When a couple is getting married, they may want to discuss and decide ahead of time how they would like to resolve their financial situation before they get a divorce. The written agreement is a prenuptial agreement and documents the couple’s wishes, such as division of property and alimony, if they decide to get divorced. For help writing up a prenuptial agreement or to get answers about what should be included, speak with a divorce attorney Dallas GA.
What should be covered in the agreement?
A prenuptial agreement is a contract two people enter into before getting married. Typically, this agreement spells out what happens should their marriage end. Items to include in the agreement, including how the property (homes, cars, etc.) gets divided, how debts are to be handled, and how to deal with other financial situations in the event of divorce. Additionally, if the couple owns a business, a prenuptial agreement covers what happens to the company and how it will get divided.
A Dallas GA divorce attorney can help ensure everything that needs to be included in a prenuptial agreement.
What is not covered?
There are some things a prenuptial agreement cannot cover. Though the agreement determines who takes care of what bills, it cannot take away a spouse’s responsibility to pay their debts before the marriage. Additionally, a prenuptial agreement in Georgia can never determine child custody or support. The judge makes this determination when filing the divorce based on the needs and best interest of the child or children.
How your attorney can help ensure everything is covered that can be in agreement
Divorce lawyers in Dallas GA can help determine what needs and should be included in your prenuptial agreement. Additionally, the attorney can help negotiate for terms in your best interest. Once everything is agreed upon, the attorney handles all filing of any necessary paperwork associated with the agreement.
Call to schedule a consultation with the Law Offices of William R. Pike Law LLC to discuss your upcoming marriage and prenuptial agreement needs.