Who Gets the Kids During the Holidays?

Deeper Understanding. Better Solutions.
mother with her daughter celebrating Christmas season

As the holidays approach, it’s easy to get stressed out thinking about where your children will celebrate these important occasions. Both parents are likely to want to have the kids make memories and participate in holiday traditions with extended family members. Instead of being drawn into an argument with your ex about your children over the holidays, which is sure to stress the kids out, consult your parenting plan for help. 

Creating a Parenting Plan with Time Sharing 

If you used the services of a divorce attorney Dallas GA, there should be a child custody plan established that sets out what holidays the children will celebrate and how they will divide time on those holidays. If you do not have one, it isn’t too late to create one that you and your ex agree on and file it in the court. In addition to the holidays that fall under your family’s religion, you’ll also need to consider where they will spend school breaks, teacher planning days, and national holidays like the Fourth of July. 

How Should You Split the Holidays?

Some popular custody arrangements for parents who split custody of children over the holidays include:

Can Holiday Visitation Schedules Be Modified?

In most cases, the holiday visitation schedule can be modified. In order to make these changes official, both parents must sign off on them in writing and file them with the court. If the parents can’t agree, the matter will have to go before a judge to decide whether to modify. At that time, you will have to have a Georgia uncontested divorce lawyer or family court lawyer help you as you appear in court. 

If you can’t come to an agreement with your ex, you might find the services of a Dallas child custody attorney helpful. At  the Law Offices of William R. Pike Law LLC, we have the experience and knowledge to help you get a set schedule for holiday visitation with your children. 


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