When is Divorce Mediation Required in GA?
Why is Divorce Mediation Required in GA? Divorce mediation is required in Georgia because the state believes that it is in the best interests of the parties and their children for the parents to resolve their differences without the need for a lengthy and expensive court battle. Mediation provides an opportunity for the parties to […]
Mediation and the Uncontested Divorce
Uncontested Divorce Issues Covered in Mediation If you are considering an uncontested divorce, or have already decided to proceed with one, you may be wondering what issues can be covered in mediation. The answer is: pretty much anything! While some divorcing couples may find that they only need to meditate on a few key topics, […]
What You Need to Update After Finalizing Your Divorce
The Stress of the Divorce Process The ending of a marriage by divorce can be a perplexing ordeal. You have had the best advice and representation from your attorney, but for some reason, it seems that after the judgement has been made, the process is still not complete. The attorney at the Law Offices of William […]
Who Gets the Kids During the Holidays?
As the holidays approach, it’s easy to get stressed out thinking about where your children will celebrate these important occasions. Both parents are likely to want to have the kids make memories and participate in holiday traditions with extended family members. Instead of being drawn into an argument with your ex about your children over the […]
What should be in your prenuptial agreement?
When a couple is getting married, they may want to discuss and decide ahead of time how they would like to resolve their financial situation before they get a divorce. The written agreement is a prenuptial agreement and documents the couple’s wishes, such as division of property and alimony, if they decide to get divorced. […]
Father’s Rights and Child Custody
Every year, tens of thousands of children are born outside of marriage in the United States. Fathers often assume that, because they have been in a committed relationship with the mother, that they automatically have rights concerning their child. This may be true in some states, but in the state of Georgia, there are no […]
How to make Co-Parenting Plans Effective
Breakups and divorce are very difficult. Things become even more complicated when there are children involved. You need to decide who will get custody of the children and figure out visitation, child support, and you will need to learn how to raise the children together, even though you and your ex are no longer together. […]
How to Protect your Children during the Divorce Process
Helping the Children of Divorce Divorce is a difficult process for the separating parties, but it can be far worse for children of the divorcing couple. The Law Offices of William R. Pike Law LLC can help with both the legal and the personal consequences of a divorce, and can especially be helpful when children […]
How to make Co-Parenting Plans Effective
How to make Co-Parenting Plans Effective Breakups and divorce are very difficult. Things become even more complicated when there are children involved. You need to decide who will get custody of the children and figure out visitation, child support, and you will need to learn how to raise the children together, even though you and […]
How to Protect your Children during the Divorce Process
How to Protect your Children during the Divorce Process Helping the Children of Divorce Divorce is a difficult process for the separating parties, but it can be far worse for children of the divorcing couple. The Law Offices of William R. Pike Law LLC can help with both the legal and the personal consequences of […]
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